Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last Day of School

Today's the last day of school for the girls.  For our family that means the ROAD TRIP is just a few days away now.  We're leaving June 1st for the first leg of our trip.  We'll be stopping in the Texas panhandle to spend a couple days at Palo Duro Canyon.  We plan to see Texas at the amphitheater on Friday night, then head north. 

The plan for this first part of our trip is roughly to head northwest through Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.  Along the way we hope to see Rocky Mountain National Park, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, and Glacier.  We'll then spend some time at Banff National Park in Canada before heading even further northwest to Alaska with an estimated arrival in Anchorage in mid-July.

We'll be taking this trip in a 5th wheel.  So, if anyone has good suggestions for campgrounds along the way we'd love to hear them.  Also, if you have suggestions of places to see or things to do along our route, we'd love to hear them too. 

We'll be posting pictures and comments along the way.  Hope you follow along.

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