Monday, September 06, 2010

On our way to California

We'll be leaving Oregon in the morning, headed south to California and the Redwood National Park area.  The plan is to stay there for 4 days before moving on.  Our rate of travel has slowed down considerably since school started.  But, it's been really nice to not be in such a hurry. 

We've had a nice time in Eugene, and have been here for nearly two weeks.  It's been good to spend time with Ron and Nancy again.  I think they are staying here a while longer.  Maybe we'll meet up with them again when we're in Arizona. 

The girls and I have been spending our days doing school work from early in the morning until around 2pm.  Getting an early start is working out well and leaves us plenty of free time in the afternoons.  We had school today (Labor Day) and will be taking our Labor Day Holiday tomorrow when we move on to California.  Mickey has been trying to occupy himself while we're in class. 

In my spare time, I've rediscovered an old hobby I haven't made time for in a lot of years, crotchet.  So far I've made a winter hat and scarf set for Hannah and a blanket for Katy. 

We want everyone back home to know that we miss them and think about them often.   David, Judy, and family, we're praying for you. 


  1. We are headed to the Redwoods in a few days. From what I've read, seems like the best Redwoods are in Humboldt Redwoods State Park south of Eureka and Fortuna. Will be anxious to hear about your trip so we'll know where to go and what to look for. :-)

  2. I love katy's blanket!! Tell her to learn so she can make me one just like hers!
