Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Mile 0 - Alaska Highway

We made great time today!  We traveled 500 miles from Cochrane, Alberta to Dawson Creek, British Columbia, arriving about 7:00pm.  It can be hard to estimate travel times up here because of road conditions and construction, but today was great. 

The photo shows the marker at the beginning of the Alaska Highway here in Dawson Creek.  The highway is roughly 1400 miles long and runs between Dawson Creek, British Columbia and Delta Junction, Alaska.  We're estimating it taking us 3-4 more days to arrive in Alaska. 

So far on our trek through Canada we've seen lots of warning signs for animals on the roadways, especially moose.  However, we have only seen deer so far.

We also noticed some mustard fields around Calgary.  But today, we saw miles and miles of beautiful yellow mustard fields.  After we made camp, we looked it up and learned that the Canadian prairies supply 85% of world's mustard.  The fields are quite a site and so pretty against the summer sky.

We're hoping for another productive day tomorrow. The girls are hoping for a Barnes & Nobel (or something close).  They've both been doing a lot of reading in the truck and are out of books as of this afternoon.  Sophie is also doing well.  She's recovered from her upset stomach (which was our fault for feeding her too much table food).  It's just so hard to tell her "no" when she looks so cute.

We're thinking about you all.  Be safe and keep in touch.


1 comment:

  1. I had no idea Canada had mustard. I learned something new today
