Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On to Fairbanks

It's been raining here for days.  So we've been trying to stick to indoor activities as much as possible.

On Thursday, we went to Kenai  and Soldotna to watch some netting.  The locals use large nets, 4-5 feet across, to net salmon as they swim upstream.  We watched fishermen doing this both from the bank and in boats.  Though interesting to watch, we agreed it seemed a rather boring way to fish. 

On the way back to Seward, we stopped at the salmon weir again and Mickey took a pretty good photo of a Redd salmon jumping towards the weir.

We left Seward Friday morning and traveled back to Anchorage to stay at the FAM camp at Elmendorf AFB.  It's a 2 1/2 hour drive from Seward to Anchorage, so we decided to come back in to Anchorage to save on some travel time.

We spent Saturday visiting area museums.  In the morning we went to the Alaska Museum of Natural History  (http://www.alaskamuseum.org/).  The girls enjoyed learning more about the area and it's wildlife.
We spent the afternoon at the Anchorage Museum (http://www.anchoragemuseum.org/).  The girls especially liked the Imaginarium.  It's the interactive portion of the museum with numerous science experiments geared towards young people.  I enjoyed the native Alaskan exhibits.

We played catch up on Sunday afternoon by doing some shopping, laundry, and cleaning the rig.

We left Anchorage Monday morning, opting to leave our rig behind and travel in the jeep for a few days.
On the way to Fairbanks, we visited with the Harrisons just outside of Denali National Park.  They are the family we met early this year while they were traveling through Clifton.  They left Kentucky August 1, 2009 and are traveling to Fairbanks by bicycle (a bicycle built for 5).  They are traveling with their 3 children and we've been following them on their blog (http://www.pedouins.org/).  We just happened to drive past them on the highway outside Denali and stopped to visit with them for a few minutes.  What an incredible adventure they are on.  And what an inspiration to those striving to follow their dreams. Their website is a really interesting read, and Bill Harrison told us today that they hope to have a book out in the next few months.

We'll be staying the next few days on base at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks while we explore this area of Alaska. It's the first time we've stayed as a family anywhere other than in the rig since February.  We have a suite at the Northern Lights Inn and we all agree it sure is nice to spread out a little.

Know that we are thinking about and missing all our family and friends back home.  We are all well and having a great time while seeing this beautiful country.

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