Sunday, August 08, 2010

Family Time and Fishing Trips

 Kids getting ready to board the plane Tuesday morning.
We had a great visit with family this week.  Andy, Austin, and Michael Austin flew in to Anchorage Monday night.  We got up at 5:30am Tuesday morning to be at Trail Ridge Air ( for our fly in fishing trip.  We took two float planes into the Alaskan bush for 3 days of fishing at Lake Alexander.

 Mickey, Katy, Hannah, Michael Austin, and I took one plane, while Andy and Austin took another smaller plane. Here's a picture of us right before take off.  Mickey took this picture from the co-pilot's seat. 

Just before take off.
The plane was really loud, but we all wore ear plugs and did fine. Well, except Sophie, she hated it.  She shook and her little heart raced the whole time.  But she was fine as soon as we landed.  The kids really enjoyed the flight and watched out the windows constantly.

Austin and Andy taking off.

Mickey's view of the bush from the co-pilot's seat.

Our float plane touching down on Lake Alexander.
As soon as we landed and the gear was unloaded, the fishing began.  Mickey rigged up the poles and the kids couldn't wait to get started.  Here's Michael Austin reeling in the first fish with Uncle Andy's help.

Learning to cast by himself.

As usual, it rained.  Seems like we've had rain for at least a month.  But, we made the most of it and went out on the water when it was pretty ( and sometimes when it wasn't).  Below is a view of the lake with the mountains in the background.  This was taken on the water near our cabins.

We stayed in these cabins at Lake Alexander Lodge.  They were simple but nice and even had electricity during the day when the generator was running. 

Michael Austin showing off the bunk beds complete with mosquito nets.  The mosquitoes here in Alaska are huge.   We all smelled like Off within 10 minutes of being in camp.  The mosquito nets sure helped.

Michael Austin and Aunt Hannah


  Above is a picture of our group with Hans, the lodge's caretaker.  It was a pleasure meeting you Hans and thanks so much for the warm fires and use of the kitchen.  Look us up if you're ever back in Texas.

Fisher-woman, Katy
The guys spent most of their time fishing, while the kids and I fished (but not as seriously) and enjoyed time relaxing, reading, and playing games.

During dinner our last night, this moose appeared across the creek from the lodge.  She eventually swam across the creek and trotted up the bank right at our front door.  What a treat!

Our ride back to Anchorage.
Michael Austin trying not to miss a thing on the flight back to Anchorage.

On Friday, the men went on a day trip, while the kids and I went shopping.  They had a great time.  But you'll have to ask them who caught the fish.


We were entertained by Michael Austin at dinner before they caught their flight back to Texas.  Like his Papa says, he doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

It was a great few days spent with family.  Thanks so much for coming to see us. 

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