Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pike Place Market, Seattle, Washington

We're now staying in Everett, a suburb of Seattle, Washington.  The weather has been beautiful, in the 70s and 80s with bright sunshine.  We were so ready for this after weeks of clouds and rain.

Yesterday afternoon we visited the historic Pikes Place Market in Seattle(   There are over 9 acres of fresh produce, flowers, sea food, and shops.  The picture above if from one of the sea food markets.  The workers help customers select just the right fish.  Then, they toss the fish to other workers behind the counter who catch them in butcher paper and wrap them.  If you look closely, you can see the fish flying through the air just under the big sign.

We enjoyed tasty berry smoothies, saw all kinds of great locally grown fruits and vegetables, and even tasted chocolate pasta.  And the flowers, they were so beautiful.  Isles and isles of fresh flowers. 

We plan to stay here a couple more days before heading south to see Mount St. Helen's, then on to Oregon.  The final shipment of books is waiting for us when we arrive in Eugene, so school will be starting for us soon.  The girls are both ready.

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to go there! The flowers look just amazing. gorgeous

    Glad you're getting some relief from the rain.

    Tell everyone I said hello!!
