Thursday, August 12, 2010

Skagway, Alaska

Overlook at Skagway, Alaska
We left Anchorage Sunday, August 8th and arrived in Skagway on Monday.  We made better time than expected, only stopping to sleep along Lake Kluane in Yukon Territory. 

Skagway was the port used by stampeders during the Klondike Gold Rush in 1897 and 1898.  It has a large collection of period buildings (mostly restored by the Parks Service).  Above is a picture of Mickey and the girls at the overlook above Skagway.  Note the cruise ships.  Today Skagway relies primarily on tourism, with a 5 month tourist season.  During those months the town has a population of about 3000 (not counting tourist).  During the winter, the population shrinks to roughly 800. 

Downtown Skagway shopping district

Being a nurse, I found the medical care situation really interesting.  They have recently built a medical clinic here in Skagway, but still do not have a full time physician.  The clinic is staffed by a PA and nurses.  The closest hospital is in Juneau, a 6 hour ferry ride or 1 hour flight in a small plane.  Transportation by either route costs approximately $100.  For emergent cases (heart attach, stroke, etc) medic-vac service cost $15,000.  Expectant mothers go to Juneau about two weeks before their due date and stay until the baby is a couple of weeks old.  That's something you expect to hear about in some foreign country. 

We've gone on a tour of Skagway in a classic car (1946 Cadillac limo), visited the Skagway Museum, shopped, and explored.  We found the Chilkoot Trail head (the first trail used during the gold rush).  We also spent two evening at the Tidal Flats near the old Dyea town site.  We were looking for bear feeding on salmon.  The first night they arrived after we left, and last night we were just about the last folks to leave and still didn't see any.  But we did see beautiful bald eagles and enjoyed gorgeous views of the mountains and Harding Glacier.

We're leaving Skagway this afternoon.  It will take us a few days to get through Canada.  There's been a forest fire burning along the route we need to take South, so we're not sure how much delay that will cause.  We are headed for Washington State and will try to post along the way.  If you don't see anything new, it's because we don't have service.  We'll be in touch as soon as we can.

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