Tuesday, June 01, 2010


We've had a good first day on the road.  Traveled to Abilene, stopping along the way to stock up at WalMart.  We're spending the night at the Abilene KOA before moving on towards Amarillo in the morning.  Everything seems to be working well.  The truck and trailer are doing fine and the rack Leslie built has been great.  We can carry everything we need with no problem.

The girls have had fun swimming this afternoon, and Sophie had her first bike ride.  She seems to really like it. 

So far so good. 


  1. Looks like Katy's underwater camera is working great :) Michael Austin says he already misses yall!!!

  2. Amamda, you went through my home town, abilene and also Sweetwater is where we went to college.Sound like you are haveing a blast, stay safe and god be with you on the trip.

  3. Thanks Jamie. Keep in touch and we'll see you all around Thanksgiving.

  4. I'm glad you have your bikes!
