Saturday, June 05, 2010

Geocaching and Texas

We were out late tonight.  Just got back from seeing Texas at the Palo Duro Canyon State Park Amphitheater.  It was fabulous.  Great performers and such a beautiful setting.  All four of us really enjoyed it.  A must do if you're in this area.

Earlier today, we went geocaching again, with much more success than yesterday.  Looked for 3 different caches and found 2 of them.  It's really fun.  People are so creative.  We found one micro cache and one that was disguised as a rock. 

And the prairie dogs are so cute.  They're everywhere.  Which means they are probably a menace like squirrels back home.  But they're still interesting to watch.

Northward bound in the morning.



  1. I've gotta start geocaching. That would be fun. I can't wait to hear about the other things you find

  2. Sounds wonderful - I love the TEXAS play - have watched it several times since I was a young girl.

  3. The kids and I have started to make our own personalized items to put inside! It will be neat to see how far they go!
