Thursday, June 17, 2010

On to South Dakota

                                                                 Click to see video.

It's been really rainy here.  We left the West Yellowstone area yesterday around 11:00am and traveled along 191 north to I-90.  Along 191 we saw some brave souls kayaking and rafting the white water on the Madison River.  Just after I shot the video, it started to hail.

Our plan was to travel to Hardin, Montana and visit Little Bighorn Battlefield before going farther east to Rapid City, South Dakota.  However, with the pouring rain we wouldn't have been able to see much at Little Bighorn.  So we drove straight through to Rapid City, arriving here about 2:30 this morning.  We took a little nap in the WalMart parking lot before coming out to Ellsworth Air Force Base.  We'll be staying here in the FAM Camp at Ellsworth through the weekend.  The weather is much nicer here, in the 70s today and NO RAIN.

Since we had another long night on the road, we've spent today just exploring the facilities here on base (which are very nice).  They have a great fitness center, indoor and outdoor pools (where Mickey and the girls are now),  a BX where we did a little shopping, and a very nice RV Park.  We plan to see a movie on base tonight then get to bed early for a change.

There are so many things to see in this area.  We chose this route to see Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse, but there are seemingly endless things to do in the Black Hills.  Guess we better get an early start in the morning.

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