Wednesday, June 02, 2010

On to Amarillo

We traveled from Abilene to Amarillo today, stopping in Sweetwater to tour the National WASP WWII Museum.  WASP stands for Women Airforce Service Pilots, the first women in history to fly America's military aircraft. Sharron Davis,the Museum Director, gave us a wonderful briefing on the WASP program.  She explained to the girls how these courageous women served our country during World War II.  It's a really interesting place to visit, especially with girls.  You can learn more about WASP at

Farther north, in Canyon, a really interesting thing happened.  I was driving and ran out of fuel on the highway.  Really it wasn't my fault.  You see, we have a fuel tank in the bed of the truck that we can use to pump fuel into the main tank when it gets low.  All you have to do is turn on the switch.  I'd seen Mickey do it several times.  No big deal.  I can do that too.  So Mickey is resting in the passenger seat and I'm driving when the truck suddenly slows WAY DOWN.  I had noticed the gauge getting low and thought I must have waited too long to flip the switch.  No problem, I'll do it now.  One problem, that tank is empty too.  We coasted off the highway and into the parking lot of Coffman Trailer Sales in Canyon.  The wonderful people there helped us out by having 5 gallons of fuel in a can.  It was really great to happen upon such nice folks.  (And next time I'll pay more attention.)

Sophie napping, Hannah jamming

We're in Amarillo for the next 3 nights, staying at Fort Amarillo RV Resort (  The place a very nice.  And of course the girls are happy, it has a pool. We plan to explore the nearby State Parks including Palo Duro Canyon and see Texas Friday night before heading northwest on Saturday.



  1. I knew both Katy and Hannah when I worked at the school. I am glad you are doing a blog of your trip. I think it is a great idea - both the trip and the blog. :-) We enjoy traveling and after our trip this September, will have at least "touched" every state except Delaware. You will LOVE Alaska. One day I would like to do the Al-Can highway and visit Alaska again. I am looking forward to reading about your great adventure! By the way, in Anchorage, try to eat at Gwenies (hope it's still there) A great local place to eat - huge portions and great food!!

  2. Also, on Alaska. Be sure and see the small town of Talkeetna. Really cool place. If you decide to do a flight around Mt. McKinley, check out Hudson Air at Talkeetna. They will be honest with you about flying conditions. When we were there they didn't use pressurized planes so you could see everything and not just have one little porthole to see out of. Also pressurized planes will tell you they can fly any time - even with clouds but Hudson will be honest with you. It's a little pricey, especially for 4, but outstanding if you can do it. Since you're not on a set schedule you can probably hang around until the mountain is clear.

  3. Thanks so much for the suggestions. We have been considering a plane tour while in Alaska and we'll certainly check out the folks you all used. Glad you are enjoying the blog. And please, do let us know if you have other ideas of interesting things to see and do along the way.

