Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leaving Cody

Before leaving Cody, Wyoming this afternoon, we went on the Cody Trolley Tour.  The guides told about the history of Cody and Buffalo Bill's influence in this area and world wide.  He was largely responsible for Yellowstone having an East Entrance, which can only be reached by traveling through Cody.  Buffalo Bill spent over $ 700,000 of his own money on establishing this area of Wyoming.  We've had a really great time here and wish we could stay longer.  The Cody Trolley Tour is pet friendly, so Sophie got to go too.

We left Cody around 1:30 this afternoon and just arrived at FAM Camp at Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls, Montana about an hour ago.   It took us longer than expected.  Look at the picture above.  We were on this gravel road for about 30 miles at less than 30 mph.  That's what happens when you haven't told your GPS to avoid minor roads.  Oh well, we learned something and it was a pretty drive. 

We're moving farther north tomorrow to explore Glacier for a few days before going into Canada.

Hope you are all having a great summer. 


  1. Really enjoying your blog. Sorry you didn't get to see Little Big Horn. Will be interested in what you see in Glacier. We are heading that way in September. I guess you'll be taking the Al-Can highway to Alaska. I would love to do that drive and visit Alaska again. Look forward to your blogging.

  2. So glad you are enjoying the blog. We're spending the weekend here at Glacier then moving into Canada. Only briefly drove into the park tonight, since we got here kind of late. But what a beautiful night for taking landscape photos. We can't wait to get started exploring in the morning.

  3. Your blog is awesome. Love the pics of the girls and Sophie!
