Thursday, June 03, 2010

Cadillac Ranch and Palo Duro Canyon

Today we did a little shopping, early.  Hannah needed a camera.  Then we headed west on I-40 to Cadillac Ranch ( ). 

The girls had a blast.  Not many places you can see Cadillacs planted in a field or add graffiti to something and it be OK.  I don't know if it's like this everyday, but there were even spray paint cans sitting around for you to use.

We tried to find a geocache near the ranch, but it was gone.  The last person that posted said the container was missing and all that remained was a log book on the ground.  We didn't even find that.  It's disappointing when you don't find anything.  But, it's fun and we'll keep playing.


Later in the day, we visited Palo Duro Canyon State Park (  What a beautiful place.  Second largest to the Grand Canyon.  Not at all what you expect out here where the earth's so flat you can see the curvature.  We'll go back to the park tomorrow evening to see Texas.  Then, moving north on Saturday.  Not sure where yet.  So visit the site again soon.

Mickey, Amanda, Katy, & Hannah

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