Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yellowstone National Park

After a little rest, we spent the day in Yellowstone. ( What a gorgeous place!  We came in the West Entrance in West Yellowstone, Montana.  It wasn't long before we saw Bison everywhere along the Madison River.  The girls even had two bison swim across the river right in front of them.  And Mickey was standing near a group of bison when a tree fell. 

                                                    Click to watch the video.
Then we went South on the Grand Loop to see Fountain Paint Pot and Great Fountain Geyser.  All the thermal areas are just amazing, but they do smell like rotten eggs.  Of course we watched Old Faithful and toured The Old Faithful Inn (built in 1904).  (

We took some really nice photos at Kepler Cascades and were fortunate enough to see a black bear chasing an elk in Hayden Valley.

We ended the day by watching the most beautiful sunset as we left the park around 9:30pm.

On our next trip into Yellowstone, possibly tomorrow, we plan to drive the North Loop.

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