Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Books are Here

Quake Lake

Today we went to Quake Lake near West Yellowstone.  Quake Lake is the result of an earthquake in the area in 1959.  The visitors center there is really informative and shows a movie that explains what happened to this area.  http://www.visitmt.com/categories/moreinfo.asp?IDRRecordID=14323&SiteID=1

The girls' homeshooling curriculum arrived this afternoon.  They are both really interested in what this "homeschooling thing" is going to be like.  They each completed a lesson (Spelling for Hannah and History for Katy) as soon as we unpacked the boxes.  They're both excited about having a more flexible schedule and to my surprise they want to work on it over the summer as well. 

Since the books are here, we'll be leaving Island Park, Idaho in the morning and headed to Hardin, Montana where we plan to stay at least one night and visit Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.

Everyone is doing well.  The weather up here is really cool and we've been wearing jeans and coats most of the time.  We've heard it should be warmer in South Dakota and we plan to be there by the end of the week to see Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll be interested in your visit to Little Big Horn. We plan on visiting there in September.
